Last night I was sitting on the couch, browsing through a book of Advent/Christmas resources. My daughter came and curled up next to me, reading over my shoulder. She is a pretty good reader for a second grader, but she still gets mixed up sometimes.
"Mom? Is that play you are reading really about Mary and a gerbil?"
(I scan the pages quickly, trying to figure out where she is getting this)
"You mean Mary and Gabriel?" I ask.
"Oh," she says. "I thought that word (pointing to Gabriel) was gerbil"
Much hilarity ensues as we imagine if the the Annunciation really had involved a gerbil rather than an angel.
That would certainly pep up the old Sunday School pageant, wouldn't it??
.....I can see a play on this.....
"Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you - and, um... by the way, do you have any seeds - especially those sunflower kind? I'm feeling kinda nibbly."
Oh dear, now I feel tempted to throw out the angel and put in a gerbil this year. The kids would love it and the grown ups would maybe paying attention again.
Would I have to pay royalties to your daughter if I'd use it?
LOVE it! :)
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