Does climbing into the pulpit week after week give a girl a skewed, unrealistic view of reality? Absolutely! Read all about it . . .
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Not Kosher
My Dad, visiting us for Thanksgiving, claims I must relinquish all claim to the Jewish heritage which I inherited through him. His basis for this pronouncement? He found Blueberry Bagels in my kitchen.
I'm just a shiksa here. But I don't understand the problem....
Art's Deli, Jerry's Deli, Noah's Bakery and Goldstein's Bakery ALL make blueberry bagels, so I don't understand what all the gehakte tsoris is about. Nisht do gedachet!!
(and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family BTW)
I dunno. We didn't have bagels out here in the wild west until not too terribly long ago. We still eye 'em with suspicion. They're considered Yankee food.
I would lift up blueberry bagels as an excellent example of Interfaith Breakfast Consumption (IBC): the blueberries of Congregationalist Maine perfectly mixed with the kosher batter of a Jewish New York bagel. Delicious AND theologically sound.
I'm just a shiksa here. But I don't understand the problem....
Art's Deli, Jerry's Deli, Noah's Bakery and Goldstein's Bakery ALL make blueberry bagels, so I don't understand what all the gehakte tsoris is about. Nisht do gedachet!!
(and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family BTW)
Well, my former Orthodox Jewish students call me Rabbi Gannet now so.....if a Presby girl can be called rabbi, a blueberry bagel can be called kosher.
I dunno. We didn't have bagels out here in the wild west until not too terribly long ago. We still eye 'em with suspicion. They're considered Yankee food.
I would lift up blueberry bagels as an excellent example of Interfaith Breakfast Consumption (IBC): the blueberries of Congregationalist Maine perfectly mixed with the kosher batter of a Jewish New York bagel. Delicious AND theologically sound.
Happy Thanksgiving!
May not be Kosher but they sound great to me.
Maybe they can be intercultural bagels. But they always need to be paired with an onion bagel or two.
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