Saturday, November 10, 2007

And the Gerbil Is . . .

Rach for most creatively inserted gerbil into a blog post last week. Check it out here.

Honorable mention to PresbyGal for literary gerbil use and to Kathryn for gerbil post that best reflects my own state of mind this past week. (i.e. Gerbil on Speed).

And for today's surreal moment . . . . the whole family went to this event today. My kids decided they wanted to visit the face painting booth, but we did not know where it was. While I held their cotton candy, they raced across the path to ask directions from the kindly gentleman in a Pilgrim costume who was sitting in the information booth. As he pointed them in the right direction, I recognized this kindly pilgrim as none other than world renowned Process Theologian John Cobb.

For the record, his directions were entirely accurate.


kwpershey said...

Oh, I miss the Festival, and all my PP friends.

I always liked seeing Dr. Cobb in full pilgrim regalia. ;-)

Lori said...

Yeah, I figured that Rachel would win it. She's a crafty one.

That looks like a fun festival. If only the actual pilgrim experiences were that much fun.....*she said with her sour factual historical point of view*

Still, it's a hoot to see folks dressed up like that. Maybe next year.

spookyrach said...

Thanks, PCIT!

What an interesting "brush with fame"!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

It was easy for Rach cause she IS a gerbil!!