If the government can shell out 700 billion dollars to bail out the banking system, couldn't they give the schools enough money that we wouldn't have to sell f***ing Wrapping Paper every fall???
Just sayin . . .
Does climbing into the pulpit week after week give a girl a skewed, unrealistic view of reality? Absolutely! Read all about it . . .
AMEN. I don't have any kids, but every parent with a kid who sells wrapping paper asks me to buy some! Some schools and teams offer a "buy out" option as well. Hmmm.....
now THAT will preach :)
Amen!! It would save trees too!! Just addin'
Just think: it would cost half that amount of bailout to set up a proper health care service for everyone in the US. It lets us all know where politicians of all sides have their interests - big money and greed, instead of healthcare and need.
You NEED this poster.
Amen and Amen!
No kidding.
*stands and applaudes*
I just bought popcorn I don't need, but at least the kid was doing it in person and not on e-mail as I've heard some are doing. Mom was helping, but he knew his stuff.
Schools actually get tons of money--just don't know where it is all going.
good point!
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