Monday, April 09, 2007

High and Low

The high point of Easter worship for me was the duet "O Death Where is thy Sting" sung by a teenager in our church, who has just been diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and her father.

The low point began when our Children's Ministry director launched her Children's Moment with the question, "Where does new life come from?" I immediately thought, "Oh no. This is not going to end well--and there is an excellent chance that my son will be the reason this does not end well." She showed the kids seeds, which look like pebbles but spring to life when the rain hits them. She showed them lily bulbs which look like ugly onions, but when buried in the earth, transform into glorious flowers. Then she held up and egg and said, "Now who could imagine that any kind of life could come from this hard, cold thing?" Whereupon, just as I'd feared, my son piped up, "Well, first you have to send the hen to meet the rooster. . ." Needless to say, no really heard the wrap up about these things being Easter symbols because they remind us of Jesus, who was dead and rose again and that Christ is the true source of new life for us all.


Jules said...

Ah, yes. Those wacky, precocious PKs.

Teri said...


The PK in my world (not my child) is almost as the fourth service (her second) she insisted not only on raising her hand for everything (to which, of course, she already knew the answer!), but then whispering answers into the ear of the kid next to her. When that didn't work, she just shouted. It was quite funny. But not as funny as yours!!!!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I would LOVE to see that on you tube.

Lori said...

That is priceless.

Thank goodness he didn't tell the old one about not counting your chickens before the hen meets the rooster!

Karla MG said...

Awwww... If it helps, our pastor's grandson was dubbed "future funeral director" after the children's moment! Pastor had a casket stay in the sanctuary after Good Friday's funeral for Jesus service where he gave the invitation to "come back Sunday for the rest of the service." The "rest of the service" was the opening of the casket during the children's moment to find "neatly folded headcoverings" (baseball caps) with "He's Alive" printed on them. But when pastor asked the kids if they knew what it was before opening it, is grandson replied slowly and surely "veeerrrryyy expensive" ;) Of course, the most common title for this boy is "future tele-evangelist" b/c of his style, commentary, and insights. Gotta love PK's (my DH is one too!) --K

Gannet Girl said...

I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this or my computer screen would have been a goner!

spookyrach said...

From one PK to another: You go, boy!

Anonymous said...

Well, he is right, you know....