Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Think I should tell them??

Hee Hee. I met with the Big Butts couple. We had to play phone tag a few times to get the meeting set up. Each time I called, a different song played before their voice mail picked up. I think they must have their phone somehow linked to the shuffle function on their ipod.

Get this: they are both cute, young charismatic Christians. The church they are part of meets in a high school gym, which is why they contacted us with our beautiful sanctuary. Their pastor was married here a while back, (maybe before he became charismatic.) They hope this pastor will be involved in the ceremony.

I dutifully made a note of that and then kept a very straight face as I asked the next question on my standard "initial meeting with a couple" question list: Are you planning any special music as part of the ceremony?


reverendmother said...

Forget a soloist, I really think the groom should sing it to the bride.

There will NOT be a dry eye in the house.

Lori said...

Such respect for your restraint. That's really really difficult. So....what was their answer?

The Vicar of Hogsmeade said...


Jules said...