Monday, November 17, 2008

Facebook Dilemma

So say you're on Facebook and a few congregation members find you and ask to be "friends".

A few weeks later, one of these women posts on her status that she is having a very difficult day. Do you:

a)respond pastorally somehow because otherwise she might think, "Gee--I put it out there that I was struggling and my pastor didn't reach out or call or ANYTHING!"

b)not respond because then she might think, "Sheesh, now I can't put anything personal on Facebook without my pastor being all in my face about it."

c)go off Facebook yourself so you won't be in these dilemmas.


ellbee said...

I'd start by sending an email (in Facebook). They aren't wall postings, so it won't be plastered everywhere. Perhaps just a quick, hey- hope your day goes better... I noticed and prayed for you. Let me know if there's anything else I can do...

I'd also suggest posting a note on your page talking about how this is a whole new realm... laying out some of your "i wonder how I should...." statements and invite your members to respond.

Jules said...

This is why I was just writing about worlds colliding on "spacehook".

Is there a way you can respond to her pastorally but not connected to the page?

Susan O said...

i started facebook as a ministry thing, and so i did respond to all of those sad messages (college kids-drama) with messages (not wall posts) inviting them to come talk. after learning my lesson once, I decided not to hold long message exchanges in response to facebook posts--but just to use the message function to invite face to face contact, or at least email to email contact. I also learned the hard way not to do facebook chat.

Lori said...

Well goodness. They all said it before I could. I'll just say "ditto" and go back to Facebook. :)

Kathryn said...

exactly...though I havent learned the lesson re FB chat and would be glad to hear before I discover the hard way...

Teri said...

I often leave a comment on the status itself, something like "sorry to hear that--hope things go better!" If I see things go further downhill, then I send a message.
I agree about the facebook instant messaging thing--be careful because they can turn into long drawn out misunderstandings.

Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

I'm with elbee and susan. And I think it was actually susan (long ago and in another incarnation perhaps?) who advised against "friending" parishioners or students, so that's what I do. If someone from my church friends me, I accept, but do not try to go out and look for them.