Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Why is it . . .

That no matter what the theme,
Or the curriculum,
Or the format,
Or the denomination hosting the event. . .

From my own days as a VBS-going kid
Until the present

Vacation Bible School always and invariably involves me coming home with a piece of construction paper to which cotton balls have been glued????


spookyrach said...

Reason no. 8,012 for the banning of bible school. :)

zorra said...

Answer: Cotton balls are cheap. White paste is already in the cabinet, unless the top was left off, or some kids ate it all when no adults were looking.

I have fond memories of making a mosaic face with dried beans (don't remember who it was supposed to be--surely not Jesus?), and of ironing crayons between sheets of wax paper to make "stained glass". I don't actually remember what spiritual lessons I was supposed to take from that, though....

Lori said...

Perhaps in an apocrhyphal book of the New Testament, after saying "Feed my sheep" Jesus then said "Glue cotton balls on my sheep".

*hides from lightening strike*

Teri said...


We did Beach Party, though, and I am pretty sure there were no cotton ball sheep. Though I did miss 4 of the 5 days due to wisdom teeth extraction, I don't see any pictures of sheep anywhere...

Becky Ardell Downs said...

There's usually also something with strings tied to a wire coat hanger in some formation or other. I think this might tie with cotton balls glued to paper for most-frequently-done VBS craft. At our VBS this year there were only two crafts, and sure enough one of them involved a coat hanger. Sadly, no cotton balls.